Hi Guys
As some of you know the 2 alt servers we use for TS have banned us for some reason the primary JI server is still there but i have taken it upon myself to set up a server this is a poper server that i pay for monthly it can hold 50 people and so far the Bandwith is great no lag
This server is design for all kinds of games DOTA UT GW and WoW and any other you play please try and use this server as i want to test the bandwidth with alot of people in it
You are all welome to use this server just click the link on the right hand server list if you would like me to add you to the member list on the TS server please add yourself below but you will have to be in either on of the Guild Wars or WoW guilds to be able to qualify for a membership
Membership = 1 of the 50 people slots (It will kick a non member if the server is full and a member joins)
(Note: This server is located in Chicago and is up 24hr English IPs can connect to it as some English IPs cannot connect to the JI server)
Hope this helps us with out GvG Spike
Helpfull as always