Hi All
I am now in Dubai and i am currenlty looking for work here i do have net access but i will not be able to go on TS or ingame for a long time in other words untill i get a job and my own place
I will keep you guys informed BTW my TS server is going to expire i am not going to renew it yet but when i get back on i mite
I have soo much withdrawl i wana do dungeon or gvg anything ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
anyway good thing is that i will have to get a new pc but i have decided to get a laptop i have my eyes on a sony which has a ati 3470 250gb hdd 2.5 duo and 3gb ram its 5499dhs or in pounds thats about £880
tell me what you think guys ill post again soon
BTW has anyone spoken to my mate Taleck he came on ji TS a few times just let me know if anyone has told him whats going on
cya guys